Tuesday, April 17, 2012


1. Dantes was the all around perfect, nice guy who was always kind to everyone. Then when three people who he thought was his friends got him thrown into jail, he changed compleltey. Those so called friends made it seem like Dantes was a follower of Napoleon Bonaparte, which is not true. The nice kind guy was no more. He was now a revenge seeking man who felt like he shouldn't care about anybody anymore. Later on in the story the men who got him sent to jail actually depend on Dantes without even knowing it was him.

2. Dramatic Irony- We, the audience, know that it is Dantes who is in the sack not the dead old man but the guards didn't know it was Dantes. They kept on saying how heavy the old man was and that he shouldn't be that heavy, yet they never looked at what was in the bag. This is an example of dramatic irony because we, the audience, know what is trully in the bag but the characters in the book don't.

Two Colors

Green= jealousy (Fernand)
Red= love (Dantes)

1. LOVE. Monsieur Morrel asks Dantes in the beginning of the book to dine with him but Dantes declines his offer because he has to go see his father and see how he is doing.

2. LOVE. Months ago before Dantes left for his trip he left his dad two hundred francs so that his dad could buy food for himself and he would be taken care of. When he found out that their neighbor Caderousse took some of that money because Dantes owed him money, he got down on his knees and begged his father for forgiveness.

3. LOVE. The second person Dantes must go see is Mercedes, his fiance. He calls to her as he is walking up to her house and they run to each other and fall into each other's arms immediately and don't let go for awhile.

4. LOVE. Years after never seeing each other and Dantes turning into the Count of Monte Cristo and Mercedes having married Fernand years ago and had a child with him, they finally got to see each other again. The Count of Monte Cristo vowed to get revenge on anybody who helped put him into prison. To get revenge on Fernand he decided to kill his son Albert. Mercededs had been following Dantes figured out what he was planning to do and went to the count's house and begged him not to kill Albert even though Albert embarrassed him in front of a lot of people at the opera. Dantes ended up not killing Albert but only because he saw the hurt on Mercedes face when she begged him not too.

1. JEALOUSY. Mercedes says to Fernand that she loves him as a brother and nothing ever more. She will always love Dantes, he walks away and comes back before her with scowling brows.

2. JEALOUSY. Fernand watched Mercedes and Dantes reunite, he was just standing there in the shadows, pale and menacing. When Dantes introduced himself to Fernand, he stretched out his hand to shake Fernand's hand but Fernand instead of shaking Dantes hand, he just remained a mute and motionless, refusing to touch Dantes.

3. JEALOUSY. Walking away from Dantes and Mercedes, Fernand cried out how he was going to get rid of Dantes because he really wanted Dantes gone.

4. JEALOUSY. Fernand was so jealous of Mercedes and Dantes that him along with Caderousse and Danglars came up with a plan that would get Dantes gone and out of their way. They wrote a letter that made it seem that Dantes was a follower of Napoleon Bonapart which if it were true would get him thrown into jail. Dantes did get thrown into jail because of that letter that they wrote, it ruined his life.